有人在西安的华清池向外宾讲述西安事变的故事,讲到“蒋介石仓皇逃跑”时突然忘记了关键词tail的说法,但他反应很快,急中生智说出了下面的话:Chiang ran away with something between his legs. 听众们听了哄堂大笑。between意思是“在二者之间”,例如,He stood between his son and daughter. 逃跑很狼狈被形容为“夹着尾巴逃走”,也就是run with tail between his legs。关键地方不明确,难怪听众想歪了。
between the lines不是排队,而是指从字里行间琢磨意思,lines指一行行的字。例如,I could sense some excitement between the lines in his letter.
This is just between you and me. Don't tell anyone else. 这事就你我知道就行了,别跟别人说。They shared the last bottle of water between the two of them. 他俩分享了最后一瓶水。
我们都会经历一些困难时刻,左右为难。经典的例子就是老婆问老公的问题“我和你妈掉河里你救谁?” You are stuck between a rock and a hard place。左边是悬崖,右边是峭壁。对这个问题,所有男人恐怕都只能顾左右而言他,才能全身而退。